Whether you are a mechanic, a DIY enthusiast, or even if you need your garage to serve a dual purpose as a home office or gym, it is possible to organise your space so that it works well for you.
A well organised garage will serve many functions and be a source of productivity rather than frustration. Read on for tips on how to transform your garage from a cluttered nightmare to a clean and organised space for you to work in.
Rack King has storage solutions for your garage, no matter its size and shape, to help you to achieve your ideal garage workspace. We deliver high quality, affordable garage solutions nationwide quickly and reliably.
How to turn your garage into a workspace
There are several steps that are recommended to turn your garage from a catch all, cluttered space that fails to fulfil its function to an efficient workspace.
- Declutter
- Plan
- Prioritise safety
- Use vertical storage
- Use smart storage solutions
- Create a specific work area
- Think about comfort
In order to maximise the space you have, and to ensure that you are not filling your garage with unnecessary items, declutter thoroughly.
Have a good clear out and divide items according to whether they need to be discarded, recycled, donated to others who may use or need them, or kept.
Ensure that waste items that can be recycled or that need specific disposal, e.g. old paint, do not go to landfill. Many local authorities have facilities for such items at low or no cost.
You could designate a space or a shelf from one of our long span shelving units specifically for items that you no longer need so that you can keep decluttering on an ongoing basis going forward.
Create a plan for how you will use your space now that it is clear(er) of items. Take a look at the RackKing website for ideas of how to fit out your space.
You may wish to zone your garage space to incorporate different uses such as home gym equipment or by the functions of the items that you store in different areas of the garage e.g. tools, gardening, bike maintenance, seasonal storage etc.
More specific types of storage may be needed for specific items and this is the stage when you should plan where these items will go.
Prioritise Safety
If you store or use hazardous materials such as paints, fuels, or chemicals in your garage, it is best to locate these in a separate, well ventilated area of the garage for safety.
Follow all safety advice in the storage of these items and ensure they cannot be accessed by children or pets.
High storage is ideal for this purpose. Industrial shelving and Kit bay or modular shelving up to 2,000 mm high can be used to keep hazardous items out of reach.
Using good quality shelving made from high quality materials will also keep your materials stored safely, and save you hassle and money in the long run.
Industrial shelves can hold heavy loads. Our industrial shelving can hold loads of up to 500kg per bay.
Use Vertical Storage
Free up floor space by using vertical storage such as high shelves. You can also use wall space with peg hooks for tools or wall hooks for bicycles, ladders, or large garden tools.
Keep the items you use most often to hand and relegate seasonal or less used items, such as camping gear, to higher shelves. This makes the space more functional.
Industrial shelving from Rack King comes pre packed and can be delivered nationwide quickly . It is really quick to put together and can be assembled in as little as 15 minutes. The various parts clip together with no screws or bolts required.
Our long span is also popular for garages and comes in a variety of heights and lengths.
Cantilever shelving is useful for storing pipe material or timber lengths and can be used high up to free up space lower down for shelving or a workbench.
Use smart storage solutions
Work with the space you have to maximise storage. Use flexible, modular storage or shelves that can be adapted or added to as required.
Subdivide or use bins for smaller items and to keep track of where the things you need are located. You can label bins if you have time for even better organisation.
In this way your space can evolve if your needs change without having to do a full refit.
Our industrial shelving comes in a range of widths from 900mm to 1,800 mm and depths of 400mm to 600mm.
Industrial shelves have 4 shelves per bay and have either mdf or wire mesh inserts, all are extremely sturdy and stable.
Create a specific work area
If you wish to use the garage for particular DIY or work projects, designate an area for this purpose keeping all the tools and equipment that you may need to hand in this area.
Now that you have cleared some floor space, you may find that you have space for a workbench.
Workbenches can hold up to 450kg and are ideal for manual handling tasks. They are 2100mm long, with a height of 900mm and a depth of 900mm.
Our workbenches have a chipboard worktop, although this can be customised to a metal top if required. You can also add a shelf underneath for additional storage.
Keeping your work station clutter free with good storage really helps you to focus on the task at hand rather than spending time looking for missing items or moving clutter from place to place to clear space to work.
Think about comfort
Garages need to be functional above all else but spend a bit of time making your garage a comfortable space to work, especially if you use it as a home office.
Install a heat source, even if it’s just a portable space heater, or better yet insulate your garage if your budget allows for this.
Lighting is essential to many tasks and you will need a source of lighting. If you have overhead lighting this is ideal but for some tasks you may need a portable, rechargeable LED light as well.
Try to get some daylight into your garage. This may just be an open garage door but if you can, and you have the budget, install a window or skylight.
Having a clear, well planned and organised space with customisable and attractive storage will add to the comfort of your garage and make it more enjoyable to use.
Rack King for all your garage storage requirements
Kitting out your garage with customisable Rack King storage and workbenches will mean that your garage is organised and functional and it’s easy to find what you need.
Our shelving is surprisingly affordable too with prices for industrial shelving starting at €130 and workbenches available from €200. Rack King long span shelving can be customised to suit your space and priced accordingly.
Rack King, based in Walkinstown Co. Dublin is Ireland’s leading supplier of racking and shelving. We deliver nationwide and hold a large selection of shelving, racking, and workbenches in stock for speedy delivery.
Contact us for a free quote, either directly by phone or email, or using our online form to request a callback.